QMobile i8i Boot Key – Read Info – Tested Flash File

QMobile i8i Boot Key:

What is boot key? This hardware button that we are to connect phone in boot mode. We mostly using boot key to flash SPD phones. In some cases we need to press boot key also for MTK Android phones. Due to some changes in new SPD Android phones, boot key has been changed. I have noticed that QMobile i8i boot key has changed also which is now only Volume Up key. In previous SPD android phones The boot key was [Volume -] + [Volume +] key.

How to find boot key? In most of Android phone we have noticed that we need Vol Up + Vol Down key to connect phone for service purpose. But in some cases in different phones like SPD Featured phones this method not work. So now we need to find boot key for that phone, We will connect phone by pressing different keys one by one and when phones connected successfully we will see Serial port in device manager. But sometimes this method also fails then we need Boot Cable for SPD and MTK Phones.

QMobile i8i SPD Read Info With CM2SPD

To use read info for any SPD Android phone in Infinity CM2SPD, We need to select correct Boot Loader in settings tab, I have not seen any auto bootloader selection method for SPD Android phones. We can check mobile phones CPU inside with different ways.

  1. Using Power Supply Watch Video
  2. By Selecting different bootloader in Infinity CM2SPD Module
  3. Most effective Using Online Search (Learn from people’s experience)
  4. By opening phone

Settings Tab >> Select Boot >> Select Mode >> Service Tab >> Check/Info



Operation : Check/Read Info [ v1.24 ]

1. Remove battery. Insert battery back
2. Press and hold 'VolumeUp' and 'VolumeDown' keys
3. Insert cable

==== Wait for phone...

Phone found! [ 13 ]
Port Opened
InitBoot Done [ 0x81 ] , Ver : SPRD3
Sending FDL
[Info] : If SW freeze here more, than 15 seconds - remove cable
FDL Ready!
Boot Ver : SC7731 Crev eMMC Loader v1.0 
Boot Ok!

FLASH : eMMC Flash , Structure : Ok!

Reading extended info ...

Model Name : I8i
Model Brand : QMobile
Model Device: I8i
AndrVersion : 6.0
BaseBand CPU: SP7731CEA
CompileDate : 7/21/2017 11:50:35 AM
Project Ver : QMobile I8i_MP_21_07
Model Ext : QMobile I8i

ExtraInfo : HWInfo not exists, normal phone

Elapsed: 00:00:28

Reconnect Power/Cable!

QMobile i8i Read Flash Screenshot:

QMobile i8i Read Flash Log:

Operation : Read FullFlash [ v1.24 ]

1. Remove battery. Insert battery back
2. Press and hold 'VolumeUp' and 'VolumeDown' keys
3. Insert cable

==== Wait for phone...

Phone found! [ 13 ]
Port Opened
InitBoot Done [ 0x81 ] , Ver : SPRD3
Sending FDL
[Info] : If SW freeze here more, than 15 seconds - remove cable
FDL Ready!
Boot Ver : SC7731 Crev eMMC Loader v2.0 
Boot Ok!

FlashMode Set : Ok!
Detected eMMC Flash , Structure detect Ok!

[FW_READER] : Prepare Ok!
- > Wait phone connected ...

Phone found! [ 13 ]
Port Opened
InitBoot Done [ 0x81 ] , Ver : SPRD3
Sending FDL
[Info] : If SW freeze here more, than 15 seconds - remove cable
FDL Ready!
Boot Ver : SC7731 Crev eMMC Loader v2.0 
Boot Ok!

- > Wait phone connected ...

Phone found! [ 13 ]
Port Opened
InitBoot Done [ 0x81 ] , Ver : SPRD3
Sending FDL
[Info] : If SW freeze here more, than 15 seconds - remove cable
FDL Ready!
Boot Ver : SC7731 Crev eMMC Loader v2.0 
Boot Ok!

Model Name : I8i
Model Brand : QMobile
Model Device: I8i
AndrVersion : 6.0
BaseBand CPU: SP7731CEA
Project Ver : QMobile_I8i_MP_06_06
Model Ext : QMobile I8i

[Read Mode] : HSUSB : 0x3000

[FW_READER] : Reading Firmware Now ...

[Read Ok] : u-boot-spl-16k.bin
[Read Ok] : u-boot.bin
[Read Ok] : prodnv.img
[Read Ok] : sc7731C_CP0_modem.bin
[Read Ok] : DSP_DM_Gx.bin
[Read Ok] : nvitem_w.bin
[Read Ok] : sc8830g_modem_CP2_WCN_Trunk_W17.03.5_Release.bin
[Read Ok] : nvitem_wcn.bin
[Read Ok] : logo_480x854.bin
[Read Ok] : fblogo_480x854.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Read Ok] : sysinfo.img
[Build Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Build Ok] : userdata.img

AndroidInfo created
Firmware Size : 2431 MiB
Saved to : C:\Users\PAKFONES\Desktop\SP7731CEA_I8i_6.0_QMobile_I8i_MP_06_06_QMobile_I8i\

Elapsed: 00:17:17

Reconnect Power/Cable!

QMobile i8i Flash File

You can download QMobile i8i Flash File which is tested by us and This QMobile i8i flash file 100% working. No problem after flash. I have shared this flash due to there is bug in later version in QMobile i8i firmware. Just download QMobile i8i tested flash file for CM2.

  • Qmobile i8i restarting after opening box
  • QMobile i8i Hang and restart problem new phone

QMobile i8i Flashing Done:

Infinity SC Firmware Detected
FW Size : 2431 MiB
Load Ok!

File Info
Created by Infinity-Box (c) Chinese Miracle II (c) 2016
Device Brand : QMobile
Device Model : I8i
Device CPU : sp7731cea
Device IntName : I8i
Device Version : 6.0
Device Compile : 6/21/2017 4:21:11 AM
Device Project : QMobile_I8i_MP_06_06
Device ExtInfo : QMobile I8i

Operation : Flash [ v1.24 ]

======= Flash
Files set for flashing : 
[ MCU ] : SC77xx Infinity Package

1. Remove battery. Insert battery back
2. Press and hold 'VolumeUp' and 'VolumeDown' keys
3. Insert cable

==== Wait for phone...

Phone found! [ 13 ]
Port Opened
InitBoot Done [ 0x81 ] , Ver : SPRD3
Sending FDL
[Info] : If SW freeze here more, than 15 seconds - remove cable
FDL Ready!
Boot Ver : SC7731 Crev eMMC Loader v2.0 
Boot Ok!

FlashMode Set : Ok!

PMTManager : Load 0x19 records
PMTManager : PMT Update Ok!
Flashing now

Update BootCode : u-boot-spl-16k.bin
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Update BootCode : u-boot.bin
Erase block ... 
Block erase Ok!
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Write FSImage : prodnv.img
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Write CodeData : sc7731C_CP0_modem.bin
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Write CodeData : DSP_DM_Gx.bin
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Erase Block : RuntimeData
Erase block ... 
Block erase Ok!

Write CodeData : sc8830g_modem_CP2_WCN_Trunk_W17.03.5_Release.bin
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Erase Block : RuntimeData
Erase block ... 
Block erase Ok!

Write CodeData : logo_480x854.bin
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Write CodeData : fblogo_480x854.bin
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Write CodeData : boot.img
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Write FSImage : system.img
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Erase Block : PERSIST
Erase block ... 
Block erase Ok!

Write CodeData : sysinfo.img
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Write FSImage : cache.img
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Write CodeData : recovery.img
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Erase Block : MISC
Erase block ... 
Block erase Ok!

Write FSImage : userdata.img
Write Data ... 
Write Data Ok!

Elapsed: 00:04:09

Reconnect Power/Cable!

Difference in QMobile Firmware in phone and file version:

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