Z3X Easy JTAG Course

Z3X Easy JTAG Course is not only for a JTAG ( Joint Test Action Group ). ISP ( In System Programming ) so called direct eMMC is also the part of this course. After completing this Z3X Easy JTAG and Direct eMMC course you will be able to operate almost every JTAG and Direct eMMC device.

What you will learn in this course?

All basic information about z3x easy jtag will be cleared in this course, that are necessary to this job. for example JTAG and ISP and is both fields need good soldering skills, You must have good soldering skills, You must be able to chip-off devices some times we need to chip-off eMMC devices from board. You must be able read schematics, service manuals and data sheets. I will try to add the information one by one.

Available content in this course


  1. How to install Z3X Easy JTAG Tool Software?
  2. How to Install z3x Shell and Easy JTAG Box Drivers?
  3. How to Install z3x Easy JTAG Smart Card Drivers?


  1. How to Modify Easy JTAG Box to get 5V supply from Box?
  2. Bugs in eMMC adapter that comes with Easy JTAG.
  3. How to Solders eMMC pinouts?

Z3X Easy JTAG Classic Suite

  1. Described Frequency and Volts functions.
  2. How Easy Repair Works in Z3X Easy JTAG?
  3. Working With JTAG Tool.
  4. Working With eMMC Tool.

More content will be available soon…


Course Information

Course Instructor

Abdul Hakeem Abdul Hakeem Author

I'm a mobile phone technician serving since 2007, most of the articles are based on personal experience. if you have any question, please write in the comment box.





Z3X Easy JTAG Classic Suite

2 thoughts on “Z3X Easy JTAG Course”

  1. Hello there
    samsung s8 device not working. Can I see my data from the device if the memory integrated emmc is installed on the same model device running?


    1. Yes, we can see the data if can swap internal memory and CPU to other working board,I think I have already replied to you via direct message by email but wrote for the people who come here via Google search.

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