Smart Phone Touch Glass Replacement Training

Due to popularity of smartphones theses days, The broken touch screens are going to be a challenge for all cellphone technicians. Almost every mobile phone technician receiving 40% broken touch screens / glass of their work. So we must have better grip in changing broken touch glasses to survive in mobile phone repairing field.

Because this course is for beginners, So we will start this from simple tools, so you will have better learning opportunity, with simple and manual machines. You will be able to work easily after learning with manual machines.

Smart Phone Touch Glass Replacement Course

  • How to disassemble Smart Phones?
    • Smartphone disassembly Tools introduction
  • How to remove broken touch glass from screen?
    • Touch Glass removal tools introduction
  • How to clean LCD screen after removing touch glass?
    • What type of liquids are best to clean LCD/LED screens?
  • Best way to place new glass on screen
    • How to apply UV glue?
    • Tools that are being used to place new touch glass
  • Display assembly after fixing cracked touch glass

Course Information

Course Instructor

Abdul Hakeem Abdul Hakeem Author

I'm a mobile phone technician serving since 2007, most of the articles are based on personal experience. if you have any question, please write in the comment box.

Course Price