if you want to flash lenovo A606 then this guide will give you enough information from this post.so let,s start.
What we need to flash lenovo phone firmware?
- Download Lenovo A606 firmware free link given in this post.
- Extract firmware with 7zip or winrar
- Install drivers in your pc
- Open Sp Flash tool this should be available in firmware pakage.( if you have any professional device then you can use that as i have used Infinity CM2 dongle for this)
- Select Scatter file in firmware folder
- Press download button for spflash tool and for professionals some devices have start button and some have flash button check and do as your tool need.
This will take few minutes to finish this job you should do full factory after flashing the device this is factory firmware this will not change phones imei. but you must check after flashing imei should be same as writer on phones back sticker. if this is not same you should repair imei with sn writer or any professional tool.
lenovo-a606 Firmware link
Wait for phone…
Phone found! [ 6 ]
Inital Boot Ok!
BB_CPU_PID : 6582
BB_CPU_NME : [MediaTek] MT6582_S00
BB_CPU_EXT : 0xCA01 , 0x8A00 , 0x0000
Processing BROM stage
Settings for BROM configured!
SecCfgVal : 0x00000000
BromVer : 0x00FF
BLVersion : 0x0001
PreLoader : Active [ Boot with PL ]
Processing DA stage
DA Select done, will use MTK_AllInOne_DA_v5.1552.01.01
Sending and initialize DA …
Running DA ver.4.2 on BBID : 0x87
eMMC Flash : 1501004B3758564D42010E26D606A1A9
Initialize Memory …
DRAM already initialized by Preloader
eMMC FlashIC initialized
[eMMC] : FLASH_VEN : 0x15 , OEM : 0100
[eMMC] : FLASH_CID : 1501004B3758564D42010E26D606A1A9
[eMMC] : FLASH_BRT : 0x00400000 , 0x00400000 , 0x00080000
[eMMC] : FLASH_LEN : 0x00000001D2000000
[eMMC] : FLASH_UCP : 7456 MiB [eMMC 8 GiB]
DEV RID : 6A2F20A4C252AF279BC60C1697F1AC10
INT RAM : 0x00020000
EXT RAM : 0x40000000
Boot Ok!
ScatCFG : BaseBand : MT6582 , Project : lcsh82_slw_cu_kk , Storage : EMMC
Setting : Flash Pre-Erase (Safe) : Enabled
Setting : AFF verify : Enabled
Setting : HW verify : Enabled
BL : Check HW compatibility
BL : BBID supported by BootLoader!
BL : Check eMMC compatibility
BL : eMMC supported by BootLoader!
BL : BatteryLevel : 3541 mV
BL : [WARNING] : BatteryLevel LOW!!!
BL : Flash Pre-Erase
Total blocks to Erase : 2
Erase : 0x0000000000C00000-0x0000000000100000
Erase : 0x0000000002900000-0x00000000D0680000
Flash Pre-Erase Done, time used : 00:00:13
SecCfg Passed , 1799
BMT remark not need. Will skip
Sending Preloader …
Use : preloader_lcsh82_slw_cu_kk.bin
Preloader Sent , Init passed
SecCfg Passed , 1799
PartCount : 0014
Update PMT by user request
Repartition Done!
Processing : Flash Write
Flash now : MBR
Image Flash Ok
Flash now : EBR1
Image Flash Ok
Flash now : UBOOT
Image Flash Ok
Flash now : BOOTIMG
Image Flash Ok
Flash now : RECOVERY
Image Flash Ok
Flash now : SEC_RO
Image Flash Ok
Flash now : LOGO
Image Flash Ok
Flash now : EBR2
Image Flash Ok
Flash now : ANDROID
Image Flash Ok
Flash now : CACHE
Image Flash Ok
Flash now : USRDATA
Image Flash Ok
Flash Write Done, time used : 00:07:54
Processing : Verify
Verify Passed : MBR
Verify Passed : EBR1
Verify Passed : UBOOT
Verify Passed : BOOTIMG
Verify Passed : RECOVERY
Verify Passed : SEC_RO
Verify Passed : LOGO
Verify Passed : EBR2
Verify Passed : ANDROID
Verify Passed : CACHE
Verify Passed : USRDATA
Data Verify Done, time used : 00:00:34
Update Mirror PMT
Update Done!
Update RomInfo done
Elapsed: 00:08:54
Reconnect Power/Cable!